
The human figure in an abstract painting
The human figure in an abstract picture changes the psychological dimensions and scale of the painting. This interaction is what I'm interested in. Energy, joy, strength but also weakness and cowardness are recurrent themes in my work. These themes are developed through simplified human figures moving through an abstract painting
This is a kind of shift from figuration into an abstract painting. It is also a shift of the artist’s feelings to the spectator and finally a wink to Louis Cane’s saying:’Je suis dans la peinture comme un poisson dans l’eau’
the human figure in a figuratif painting

- 1. refik ozgur Le 05/01/2011
c'est un autre monde fantastique ...
une autre façon de sentir et de percevoir les
choses .pour moi c'est irreel .je ne les comprends pas , pourtant je les aime beaucoup ,
je ne sais pas pourquoi !?
refik ozgur . istanbul .
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